Josh Hartnett & Michelle William’s in Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later
In director Steve Miner’s 1998 film Halloween H20: Twenty Years Later, Keri “Laurie Strode” Tate initially expressed great trepidation in signing her son John’s fall field trip permission slip for Hillcrest Academy’s student body outing to Yosemite National Park. Was it due to her, as John puts it, “overprotection and paranoia (which was) inhibiting (his) growth process,” or something more malevolent?
According to the fine print seen in the screen-used permission slip pictured below (currently in the hands of a private collector), it apparently stemmed from the fact that in signing it she would not only be shelling out $1,200.00 for the trip, but would also be voluntarily waiving the “school’s liability for the students if they were attacked by bears, mountain lions, snakes, or psychopathic killers with knives and/or are carried off by bald eagles.”

It seems that the film’s art department had a bit of a sense of humor!
What screen-used Halloween props do you own? Sound off in the comments below.