If you thought being shot and falling down a mineshaft could stop ‘The Shape’, think again! Just before the police seal off the mine, Michael manages to crawl out and take refuge with a hermit by the docks. A year passes and as Halloween arrives, a mysterious symbol has now appeared on Michaels arm and he awakens to wreak havoc on the town of Haddonfield once more.
Jamie is now under the care of Dr. Loomis at the children’s clinic and is having nightmares about her uncle. She is unable to speak and has a telepathic bond with him. She sees what he sees and she knows he’s still out there and that he’s is coming for her. Dr. Loomis also believes that Michael is coming and is watching and waiting for him to appear. Meanwhile, a mysterious man in black has arrived in town and he also shares the same mark as Myers. Is he there to help or hurt the town of Haddonfield?
As night approaches, Myers chops his way through Jamie’s family and friends to get to her. No one is safe, not even Jamie’s step-sister. The finale takes at the old Myers’ house, where Dr. Loomis and Jamie set a trap for him. Finally, Loomis is able to capture Myers and as he is awaiting transfer from police custody, the man in black has other plans.

Rachel was originally supposed to be stabbed in the throat with scissors but the actress, Ellie Cornell, felt it was too gruesome an end for her character, so it was changed.
In the scene where Michael is ambushed by Dr. Loomis and beaten with a 2×4, Don Shanks was really hit with the plank. He later admitted in an interview that one of the blows broke his nose.
On the audio commentary for the DVD, it is stated that Greg Nicotero and Wendy Foxworth were seeing each other during filming.
Director Dominique Othenin-Girard’s name is incorrectly spelled “Dominique Otherin-Girard” in the opening credits.
Goof: The body suit/life jacket Don Shanks wore during the water scene is clearly visible.
Continuity: The symbol that appears on Michael’s arm is not present in any of the previous films.
Continuity: The mask used for the film is completely different than the one from the previous film, yet Halloween 5 picks up on the same night as Halloween 4 ended.
Continuity: It’s mentioned that the tower farm parties always rock, yet this is the first time the party has ever been mentioned.
Dr. Loomis: I prayed that he would burn in Hell, but in my heart I knew that Hell would not have him.
Sheriff Ben Meeker: The National Guard will take him to a maximum security facility where he’ll stay till the day he dies.
Tina Williams: I’m never sensible if I can help it.
Dr. Loomis: Charlie…Charlie…Michael Myers is outside… Stay with the little girl .. Please.
Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers – © 1989 Trancas International Films