It’s been Twenty years since Michael Myers returned to Haddonfield to kill his sister Laurie Strode. Since that night Laurie has changed her name and moved to Northern California where she is now the head mistress of posh private school.
Meanwhile back in Illinois, Nurse Marion finds files related to Laurie Strode’s identity stolen and her home ransacked. The Shape has returned and he knows where she is! Making his way cross country, Myers tracks down his sister and she isn’t dealing with the anniversary well. Laurie’s become an alcoholic who can’t even be helped by those close to her, including her 17 years old son John. She knows her brother isn’t dead and that he is coming for her.
John, his girlfriend, and their two friends decide to throw their own private Halloween party on campus while the rest of the school heads off on a field trip. As Laurie discovers that her demon from the past is back, she decides it’s now or never. In a bold move, she faces her fear head on and is ready for a battle to the death between herself and Michael.

The idea for H20 came from Jamie Lee Curtis, with the 20th Anniversary of Halloween approaching, Curtis called John Carpenter & Debra Hill to have lunch and discuss what it would be like to re-visit these characters 20 years later.
The original concept for Curtis was that ultimately she would finally get to kill Michael Myers not knowing at that time, that Myers ‘legally’ could not be killed.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt wore a hockey mask when Marion first runs into him as an homage to director Steve Minor’s films Friday the 13th Part II & II.
The premise for Michael returning for a sequel was agreed to by everyone involved with the film prior to shooting Halloween H20. Curtis insisted that there could be no hints that it wasn’t Michael being killed at the end and Laurie would believe that she killed him.
Continuity: After Laurie takes a drink she hands the ‘open’ bottle over to Will. In the very next shot Will has to remove the top off the bottle in order to take a drink.
Continuity: Several different masks were used during filming, including a digital version, that depending on the scene, the mask will literally change from shot to shot.
Goof: When Michael hangs down from the pipe at the school, Laurie’s wound is visible before he stabs her.
Goof: In the opening montage there is an image that says “Class of 78” w/ Laurie Strode – Laurie would have graduated in ’79 if she was a senior during the first Halloween, since it was October of ’78, and graduation would have been the next year.
John: Mom, I am not responsible for you. That’s it, I’ve had enough. I can’t take it anymore mom. He’s dead. Michael Myers is dead.
Jimmy: Jimmy’s been suspended five times this year already for gettin’ a little crazy with the STICK.
Norma: Oh. Miss Tate. I didn’t mean to make you jump. It’s Halloween. I guess everyone’s entitled to one good scare.
Laurie Strode: They locked him up for a long time, but he got out and… he came after me. But I got away. But he killed a lot of my friends.
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later – © 1998 Miramax, LLC.