Halloween night, 1963. A six year old child (Michael Myers) murdered his 17-year-old sister. He was locked away at Smith’s Grove-Warren Sanitarium for 15 years, but on October 30, 1978, things were about to change. While being transferred, a now 21 year old Michael Myers escapes Smith’s Grove and returns to his quiet hometown of Haddonfield. Seventeen-year-old Laurie Strode is a quiet bookworm, preferring babysitting over parties. Her friends, Annie and Lynda, are busy thinking about the fun of Halloween night.
That evening, Laurie and Annie are babysitting across the street from each other. Laurie has to keep an eye on Tommy Doyle, while Annie watches Lindsey Wallace. Little do they know that Michael Myers has come home. Carefully, he murders Annie first, followed by Lynda and her boyfriend Bob.
Their only hope is Dr. Loomis, Michael’s childhood psychiatrist who has followed Michael’s trail back to Haddonfield. Loomis enlists the help of town sheriff and together the duo search the streets, but the bogeyman is close to his prize for the night: Laurie!

Producer/writer Debra Hill plays young Michael Myers in the opening scenes from Halloween. It is her hands that reaches for the knife & mask as well as stab at Michael’s Sister Judith. She is also the shape’s shadow on the Wallace House.
Tommy Lee Wallace (Production Design/Film Editor) plays Michael Myers during the infamous Closet Scene. Wallace would later go on to co-write and direct Halloween III Season of the Witch for Universal Pictures.
Director John Carpenter approached both Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee to play the role of Sam Loomis but both turned him down. Lee later said it was the biggest mistake he had ever made in his career.
Nick Castle was visiting the set to watch filming when Carpenter offered him the part of Michael Myers. He was payed $50 a day. When Castle asked what he motivation was… Carpenter replied… “just walk”.
Goof: During Michael’s escape from Smith’s Grove, he uses his hand to crack the glass of the car window. As he brings his hand down, you can clearly see the wrench.
Continuity: As Laurie is walking home from school there are several shots that take place in a matter of seconds where the ground goes from dry to wet and cloudy to sunny.
Goof: While Dr. Loomis’ is on the phone with Haddonfield Police, you can see mountains in the background. There are no mountains like that in the state of Illinois.
Goof: As Bob and Lynda drive up to the Wallace house you can clearly see the 1970’s California tags on the front of the van.
Dr. Loomis: “Death has come to your little town, Sheriff. Now you can either ignore it, or you can help me to stop it.”
Sheriff Brackett: “You know it’s Halloween, I guess everyone’s entitled to one good scare.”
Marion: “Don’t you think it would be better if you referred to “it” as “him”?”
Lynda: “Don’t rip my blouse, it’s expensive idiot!”
Halloween – © 1978 – Present | Compass International Pictures | © 1978 Falcon International Productions