Rachel was originally supposed to be stabbed in the throat with scissors but the actress, Ellie Cornell, felt it was too gruesome an end for her character, so it was changed.
In the scene where Michael is ambushed by Dr. Loomis and beaten with a 2×4, Don Shanks was really hit with the plank. He later admitted in an interview that one of the blows broke his nose.
On the audio commentary for the DVD, it is stated that Greg Nicotero and Wendy Foxworth were seeing each other during filming.
Director Dominique Othenin-Girard’s name is incorrectly spelled “Dominique Otherin-Girard” in the opening credits.
In an article that appeared in the October 1989 issue of Fangoria magazine, director Dominique Othenin-Girard claimed that the film’s ending was not scripted. Donald Pleasence stated in the same article that the film would contain the death of his character Dr. Sam Loomis.
Moustapha Akkad has said that one of his biggest regrets about the film was killing off the character of Rachel. “In retrospect, he would’ve kept her alive, but she was killed in an attempt to show that no one, not even Rachel, was safe from Michael.”
KNB Effects had designed grotesque facial makeup for Michael Myers’ unmasking towards the end of the film. The producers told them to do so as an option, either showing Michael’s badly scarred face or keep it in the dark. They went for the latter.
Don Shanks revealed in an interview that many of the scenes involving the man in black had him playing the character, because of speculation that he was a blood relative of Michael Myers. He also admitted that even the writers had not yet decided the man in black’s identity.
In the infamous laundry chute scene, Jamie was originally stabbed in the leg but the shot was cut from the film by the MPAA because it was deemed “too disturbing”. Danielle Harris still owns the prosthetic leg.
Greg Nicotero (KNB Effects) also had a cameo in the film. He passes Wendy Kaplan as she enters the gas station.
Halloween 5 The Revenge of Michael Myers – © 1989 Trancas International Films