Goof: Loomis clearly shoots Myers seven times (instead of six) and you can see Myers backing up a ramp as he falls off the balcony to the front yard. In Halloween he fell to the backyard.
Continuity: As the ambulance approaches HMH, it has two red lights on the hood. In the very next scene the red lights are now on the bumper and they are now flashing.
Continuity: After the deputy slams Ben Trammer into the van and it blows up, his body slumps onto the hood of the car. In the next shot Tramer is upright.
Goof: In the scene where Brackett finds out Myers killed his daughter, right before Sheriff Brackett covers Annie’s face with the sheet, you can clearly she that her eye lids moving.
Continuity: During the scene with Karen and Mrs. Alves you can see Myers turn to leave the room through the window behind them. In the next shot he hasn’t turned yet.
Goof: Deputy Hunt calls for backup and gives the address for the Myers house as 45 Lampkin Lane. As the camera pans down from the house the address on the porch is 709 (Meridian Avenue).
Continuity: When Myers is holding Karen’s head under water the towel is covering her body the entire time. Right before he pulls her out, the towel is now around her waist.
Goof: At 55:00 and 1:03.34 the same exact footage of Myers walking down the hall is used on the monitor. You can see on the first take they cut away as he slows down to enter the room.
Continuity: The Marshall’s car has a yellow flashing light on the trunk the entire time they are in the car, except when Loomis fires the warning shot and the Marshall makes a u-turn… it’s gone.
Goof: When Laurie fires two shots at Michael, she hits him through the eye holes, you can see Myers eyes are fine and the blood is coming from above his eyes. Magic bullets.
Continuity: During the explosion at the end of the film, you can clearly see behind the set wall and the 2×4’s that are holding it up. Even the fire get’s behind the wall.
Continuity: When Myers walks out of the fire, they used various angles to make it appear that he is walking longer then he was. He starts at the middle of the stretcher & in the next shot is behind it.
Goof: The end credits list Michael Myers age as 23 even though Dr. Loomis states earlier in the film to the Dentist that Michael Myers is 21.
Halloween II – © 1981 Universal Studios