The idea for H20 came from Jamie Lee Curtis, with the 20th Anniversary of Halloween approaching, Curtis called John Carpenter & Debra Hill to have lunch and discuss what it would be like to re-visit these characters 20 years later.
The original concept for Curtis was that ultimately she would finally get to kill Michael Myers not knowing at that time, that Myers ‘legally’ could not be killed.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt wore a hockey mask when Marion first runs into him as an homage to director Steve Minor’s films Friday the 13th Part II & II.
The premise for Michael returning for a sequel was agreed to by everyone involved with the film prior to shooting Halloween H20. Curtis insisted that there could be no hints that it wasn’t Michael being killed at the end and Laurie would believe that she killed him.
The mask used when we first see Myers at Marion’s house is the same mask from Halloween The Curse of Michael Myers. It was used under protest from director Steve Minor and only used in that scene.
The younger detective investigating Marion’s house is the late Stan Winston’s son. Winston created the final mask used for the film.
After shooting a few weeks, the studio didn’t like the mask that was being used and had to go back and re-shoot almost every shot the mask was used in.
Most of John Ottman’s score was replaced or amended simply because it didn’t work with tone or pacing of the film. The opening credits theme is intact.
Ronny’s guard house was not at the location of the school, it was built for the film on a deserted road in Malibu.
Jamie Lee Curtis lobbied to have Wayne’s World star Mike Myers walk by her as she gets out her car and walks to the café to meet Will. Myers declined.
The Scene where Laurie asked for another glass of wine while still having a full glass in front of her was created during that moment to establish how damaged Laurie has become.
The intent of Steve Minor when making Halloween H20 was that none of the other sequels, (except Halloween II) happened.
Steve Minor and Jamie Lee Curtis have never watched a Halloween sequel beyond Halloween II.
This is the 3rd time Jamie Lee Curtis and Janet Leigh worked together. The Love Boat, The Fog and Halloween H20.
In scene where Will visits Molly and Sarah Scream 2 is playing on the TV. Originally they wanted to have “So I married an Ax Murderer” playing, but actor Mike Myers said no that as well.
Janet Leigh is standing in front of the same model car she drove in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho.
The close up of Myers mask when Charlie turns to see him was digitally enhanced.
Chris Durand who plays Michael Myers also played the Killer in Scream 2 for many scenes.
Both Steve and Jamie’s favorite shot from the film is when Laurie yells Michael’s name while holding the ax.
Jamie Lee Curtis’ stunt double broke her foot during the initial escape from the school. As she approached the gate the anti-lock brakes push back on her hard.
Josh Harnett was cast after the Weinstein brothers liked his audition for another Dimension Film, The Faculty. He shot both films at the same time.
1st A.D Mark Cotone had the idea of Michael lowering himself behind Laurie.
Tome Kane who did the voice over of Donald Pleasence during the opening montage was a friend of Patrick Lussier. Patrick edited the film.
Jamie lee Curtis had to agree to be in Halloween Resurrection making a cameo and had to be killed off. Her pitch was that she lost her mind after killing an innocent man.
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later – © 1998 Miramax, LLC.